More than not, people are so excited about a creative design they forget about the envelope. Don’t fall victim to having to change your gorgeous design in the end to accommodate a regular sized envelope. It’s best to have a full scope of your project from the beginning, including the envelope. Because we get asked about envelopes and sizes often, here is a little checklist or list of things to consider when designing an invite or something that needs mailing or delivering:
An unusual size will require a more creative delivery method. Unless you’re into hand-making envelopes, we suggest you stick to a standard size. Here are some common sizes:
Most Announcement envelopes are called A-style sizing:
A-1 (or 4bar) : 3.625″ x 5.125″
A-2 : 4.375″ x 5.75″
A-6 : 4.75″ x 6.5″
A-7 : 5.25″ x 7.25″
A-8 : 5.5″ x 8.125″
A-9 : 5.75″ x 8.75″
A-10 : 6″ x 9.75″
These are just a few of the most common announcement sizes. Of course there are many square standard envelopes, etc. We suggest looking around at envelope sizes to get a feel for general sizing options.
Following one of these standard sizes will make your life easier.
What the flap?! Seriously though, some envelopes only come in a pointed flap option and some only with a squared flap. Some might come with both options. Just make sure you get this sorted out before you commit to a size.
Yes, the function of an envelope is a no-brainer. Its function is to protect and deliver. However, you might consider that a postcard might serve your invite or announcement well. It will save a few cents in postage to boot. Unless, of course, you’d like your RSVP status to remain a secret until received (you know so that your friends don’t see that you personally scribbled in a note requesting an ovolactavegamicobiologicosmic-gluten free entree choice).
In short, just make sure that you don’t forget to design for and with the envelope in mind.