wine in glasses ruth lewandowski wines

They don’t make wine like they used to. But Evan over at Ruth Lewandowski Wines isn’t like other wine makers. We printed up his card last week and on delivery we had a little wine tasting and educational field trip. Evan knows his shit. We had no idea the level of craft and dedication that Evan puts into his bottles. We are seriously huge fans of what this wine is. And what this wine isn’t. This is natural wine. Without all the minerals and chemicals that cheap winemakers are using to make your tongue feel happy and your wallet feel more full (think Mcdonalds, but for wine). These wines are perfect just they way they are. Hugged and loved by a man who knows what wine is and isn’t. These bottles are on great wine lists on great restaurants across the world. And we bought a few from a passionate man who does his work down the street. God, we love this town. Black ink on kraft paper custom letterpress business cards IMG_9413IMG_9439 IMG_9442 IMG_9447 IMG_9453 IMG_9459 IMG_9464 IMG_9466 IMG_9473 IMG_9483 IMG_9489 IMG_9498
