The world is full of color.
Trust me on this… Just look around you. I am sick and tired of printing jobs that don’t utilize holographic foil. (That is a little bit of a lie. We print a lot of great shit that doesn’t have holographic foil on it. I am sorry for insulting your design.) Here are a couple of notes about holographic foil:
1. Holographic foil is going to cost more.
The foil making process is a lot more intense when making ‘holographic’ foil. I don’t really have an explanation for this… other than someone told me once and I got bored, so you don’t need to hear about it. However, the point is that you will pay more to print with holographic foil rather than gold or silver foil. It is worth the additional cost. We mostly have used it on Black and White paper. But I am really interested in seeing it on some other colors. A typical search on the internet yields very few samples of holographic foil printed on anything other than black or white. We actually only have a couple samples we are allowed to show online.
So…. Lets change that.
I really think this would look amazing on some yellow or blue stock. Think about it. I promise to make it worth your while.
Viewing angle makes a huge difference:
Last thing:
I have mentioned this before, keep your lines at least .5 point size. Smaller than that and you can expect a talking to from me (Peter) to revise your artwork. And that isn’t fun at all. Now get to it troops.