About Mandate


We’re not going to waste your time with what we’re not.

What we are is a modern letterpress shop based in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Our printing reaches across the nation, and we ship custom orders and business cards around the globe.
We make our own plates from digital files.
Our pricing is competitive with the best turnaround this side of the Mississippi.
We are design driven letterpress.

We have a saying in our shop:

“Everything looks better letterpressed.”

Letterpress brings an added level of sincerity and authenticity to designs, and therefore an added value of sincerity and authenticity to your printed piece. Our mission is and has always been to make letterpress viable again in a modern way on business cards, announcements, and so much more.

phone: 801.600.7289

1850 S 900 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84104

 Twitter: themandatepress



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Say hi to us here. If you already know what you want please fill out our estimate form  for custom pricing.

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